How to register for a self-taught AP EXAM?
Dear HS Parents and Students,
Every year, we give students the opportunity to sit the final AP EXAMS.
If you would like to sit an AP Exam in a subject that you have not been taught, please remember that you will need to score above a 3 out of 5 for any college recognition. You will have to self-teach the subject material that is not covered in your regular classes. Please be aware that in many cases sharing AP scores with US colleges is optional, though in some cases, colleges may require the sharing of all exam results, regardless of score. Taking self-taught exams is not an easy option; these are college level advanced placement courses.
You may find more details about this via the AP COLLEGE BOARD WEBSITE.
If you have questions about registering for a self-taught exam, we highly encourage you to talk to a teacher in that subject, your counselor, and/or me before you register!
To register for a self-taught AP EXAM, please follow the instructions HERE.
Registration Deadline: FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 11, 2022
Registration Fee: USD 140 PER AP EXAM
AP Exams will be from MAY 1, 2023 - MAY 12, 2023
The fee will be charged automatically to your ISM billing account. This covers the exam fees to the College Board for administration and the admin fees to ISM for postage, proctoring, and facilitation.
Please note that the fee is non-refundable for any exam cancellations or changes made after March 15, 2023.
If you are enrolled in a AP US History, AP English, AP French/Spanish/Mandarin or AP Human Geography class here at ISM, there is NO NEED for you to register as you have already been registered in the system by your teacher.
For your reference, you may view the AP EXAMS SCHEDULE to check for any scheduling exam clash. The specific times, venues, and information will be announced in April.
As of now, the AP plans to administer all exams world-wide in person with paper/pen exams; there is currently no digital exam option. If legal governmental restrictions due to COVID at the time of testing stymie us from administering exams, you will be granted a refund.
For further information, you may email the IB/AP Office at or
Thank you,
IB/AP Coordinator
International School Manila
Here are resources to help you prepare for the AP Exam:
If you have any questions, drop by the IB/AP Office or email us at: