Hello Bearcats!

The Advisory Program is led by our IB CAS Coordinator with individual or a pair of Grade Level Coordinators for each grade level. Homeroom takes place each week along with either a second homeroom, whole school assembly, or class meeting on a rotating basis. Homeroom advisors are class teachers who help lead teambuilding activities, service learning projects, and disseminate SEL lessons created by the Grade Level Coordinators. 

High School Counselors meet with Grade Level Coordinators bi-weekly to discuss grade specific information, concerns, and upcoming events to help target the needs of each batch of students.

Grade 9 Grade Level Coordinator

Ms. Kathryn Govier

Grade 9 Level Coordinator

Mr. Bilal Khan

Grade 9 Level Coordinator

Welcome, batch of 2027!

We are Kathryn Govier, a geography teacher and touch rugby coach, and Bilal Khan, English teacher extraordinaire and Bamboo Telegraph advisor. Ms. Govier is very grounded and strives to live sustainably and educate others on how to help our world flourish indefinitely. She has a passion for travel and understanding more about our beautiful earth. Mr. Khan lives in his head, loving the written word and cherishing the intangible values and the boundless aesthetic beauty that art, literature, and music bring into our lives. 

We are both incredibly excited to be your Grade Level Coordinators (GLCs) and to get to know you all as the Freshman class, the batch of 2027. 

This year is going to be a big year. Your first year in High School is where you will need to navigate new spaces, new teachers and new friends. This transition can be challenging, but it will be invigorating to start fresh. Beyond the classroom, our school community thrives on tradition, innovation, and a commitment to fostering holistic growth. You will find that the High School at ISM is not just a place of learning but a home where you can nurture your talents, forge lasting friendships, and embark on a transformative journey.

In the spirit of embracing change and the pursuit of knowledge, let us come together as a community that values curiosity, embraces diversity, and seeks to make a positive impact in the world. The class of 2027 holds within it the potential to shape the future, and we are eager to embark on this incredible voyage with each and every one of you.

So, as we set sail into the uncharted waters of high school, we encourage you to open your hearts and minds to the wonders of learning, to discover the beauty in the world around you, and to seize every opportunity for growth and self-discovery. 

Welcome to this remarkable journey, Freshman class of 2027, and may your time here be filled with inspiration, growth, and the pursuit of all things beautiful and meaningful.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us in person (3015 and 2050) or by email (govierk@ismanila.org and khanb@ismanila.org). Here’s to a spectacular year, batch of 2027!

Ms Kathryn Govier and Mr. Khan

Grade 9 Grade Level Coordinators

Grade 10 Grade Level Coordinator

Ms. Laura Miele and Ms. Andrea Geoffroy

Grade 10 Level Coordinators 

Welcome, Batch of 2026

Ms. Laura Miele and Ms. Andrea Geoffroy

Grade 10 Level Coordinators 

Grade 11 Grade Level Coordinator

Mr. Mike Kramer

Grade 11 Level Coordinator

Welcome, Class of 2025!

My name is Mike Kramer, a high school social studies teacher (IB Business Management & AP Human Geography), and I'm your Grade Level Coordinator (GLC). Along with your inspiring elected council, counsellors, parent reps and your advisors, I am here to ensure that high school is a positive, meaningful and memorable experience for you.

High School is a rollercoaster of a four year journey, full of change, where you discover more about yourself, and the world around you. I would like to remind you that what you put in, is often what you get out. So, get involved in activities, step outside of your comfort zone and reach out to people you haven't connected with before. Yes, at times it will be challenging and uncomfortable, but that's when we grow the most. By exposing yourself to a range of perspectives, ideas, disciplines and classes, hopefully, you will find what you're most passionate about.

It is pertinent to remind you not to run through your final two years of high school as quickly as you can. It is not a race, but a journey to be savoured each step of the way. So, please do not compare yourself to others, be kind to yourself and always give your best effort. If you can do those three things, the rest will take care of itself. 

As the Class of 2025, we focus on spreading kindness and fostering connections. So, look out for one another and do your best to ensure our school is a warm and inclusive space for all.

If there's ever anything on your mind, or if your voice is not being heard, please do reach out: kramerm@ismanila.org


Mr. Mike Kramer

High School Social Studies Teacher

Grade 11 Level Coordinator 

Grade 12 Grade Level Coordinator

Mr. Colin Aitken

Grade 12 Level Coordinator 

Welcome, Batch of 2024! 

Hi batch of 2024, let me first welcome you to your first year of high school at International  School Manila. My role, with the elected council, is to make this year a productive and enjoyable year for you. Your advisory teacher is also a valuable member of the year group and will always be ready to support you.  When I took on the role of Grade Level Coordinator, I did not imagine that we would not be in school for the beginning of August and would all have to try and get to know one another  “from a distance” I know that so far your High school experience has not been one that you or I planned for, and I know this at times this has been discouraging and frustrating. 

However, my theme for this year for the time that we are engaged in distance learning and not together  is “Don’t let this year be a waste of time”    

Some advice for you is to be proactive.  I hope as much as you can take control of your work-rest balance.  I know that high school academically will be more challenging than middle school, so you may find that you need to be a little more focused  Please reach out to myself, your teachers, or your counselor whenever you feel like you need a little help, or just want to talk.     

A little about me, this is my 7th year teaching at ISM and all of that has been in the Social Studies department of the Hgh School. I have two daughters who are also students at ISM and have loved the experience that they have had and continue to have in the elementary and middle schools. I also am involved in the MUN program and coaching.  I like the fact that I can ride my bicycle to work every day and do not have to ever wear a jacket (except in the movie theater or certain rooms at ISM).  My wife, kids and I like to travel and have enjoyed seeing new places in the Philippines as well as in Asia. 

I think one of the best aspects of ISM is the co curricula activates that are available for students to be involved in.  I do realize that not all of them are available at this moment, however, there are still many ways that you can be involved. Please take some time to look into some of the opportunities.  I do believe that you can still find a way to contribute and be involved in some of these activate.  

I look forward to helping you enjoy as much of this year as possible and I hope that some of the activities that make high school so much fun here at ISM will be able to happen.

Mr. Colin Aitken

Grade 12 Level Coordinator 

Mr. Sung Baek

Grade 12 Level Coordinator 

Mabuhay, Class of 2024!

It is my privilege to be one of your Grade Level Coordinators (your batch gets 2!). I am a science teacher here at ISM (Biology and ESS) and I started high school here at the same time as all of you in 2020. 

When I look back at my high school experience, some of my fondest memories were outside the classroom (but academics are important of course!). I encourage you to get involved, try new things, and meet new classmates. I know it can be scary to try something new but who knows, you might really enjoy it and be good at it!

Enjoy your time in high school because it will be over before you know it. Take care of yourself and each other and don’t be afraid to ask for help, we all need it sometimes. Stop by and say hello or send me an email anytime: baeks@ismanila.org

Go Bearcats!!!

Mr. Sung Baek

Grade 12 Level Coordinator